Curriculum renewal in the health sciences

Mapping of a curriculum renewal journey: Lessons learned

Susan Hanekom


A curriculum is described as an expression of educational ideas in practice.[1] It is a living document which should be adaptable to a changing environment. When faced with specific contextual challenges that required curriculum renewal, we took a phronetic approach. The process was predominantly based on craft knowledge and relied in most part on the insightfulness of staff. The curriculum renewal provided a unique opportunity to evaluate both the content and the mode of delivery. In this edition of AJHPE we share the valuable lessons learned along the journey of curriculum renewal. We started with the end in mind by defining the profile of the Stellenbosch University physiotherapy graduate (Table 1). 

Author's affiliations

Susan Hanekom, Division of Physiotherapy, Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa

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Curriculum renewal

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2014;6(2):178. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.527

Article History

Date submitted: 2014-09-23
Date published: 2014-10-23

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