
Identifying strategies to increase research publication output in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences in South Africa: a review of literature

Jose Merle Frantz, Seyi Ladele Amosun


The health research community in South Africa annually produces fair numbers of research papers in national and international health and related journals. Unfortunately the proportion of the papers produced by authors in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is insignificant compared to other disciplines. In order to identify strategies to increase the number of publications in South Africa, this article reports on a review of published papers into the effectiveness of interventions designed to promote research publication among academics and clinicians in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences programs. Seven of the papers reported on interventions for academics, and six of the papers reported on the interventions for academics in the nursing profession. The most common interventions were “writing support groups”, “writing retreats”, and “writing courses” that lasted for anything from 3 days to 5 years. The interventions were designed to meet the needs of the participants for structured time, motivation, improved writing skills and peer support. All the interventions produced significant research output relating to submission or publication of academic papers. The implementation of these interventions by South African tertiary institutions where Health and Rehabilitation Sciences are offered may improve the number of papers published by the health research community.

Authors' affiliations

Jose Merle Frantz, University of the Western Cape

Seyi Ladele Amosun, University of Cape Town

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strategies, publication, writing, health professionals

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2011;3(1):7-10.

Article History

Date submitted: 2010-12-21
Date published: 2011-06-17

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