Short Communication

Tutorials to support learning: Experiences of nursing students in a competency-based nursing programme

E Mukurunge, M Shawa, T Nyoni, P Mutimbe, R Mahomaile, K Mokhele, B Masava



Authors' affiliations

E Mukurunge, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

M Shawa, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

T Nyoni, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

P Mutimbe, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

R Mahomaile, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

K Mokhele, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

B Masava, Paray School of Nursing, Thaba Tseka, Lesotho

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2020;12(3):96. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.2020.v12i3.1383

Article History

Date submitted: 2020-10-16
Date published: 2020-10-16

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