
Student feedback on an adapted appraisal model in resource-limited settings

L Arnold


Background. An appraisal model, a type of formal mentorship programme for a cohort of student doctors, is used at the University of Leeds, UK. The
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa implemented an adapted version of the appraisal process that uses fewer resources.
Objective. To explore students’ experiences of the appraisal process in order to provide information to medical schools with limited resources, which seek to develop or refine their own mentorship processes.
Methods. A questionnaire containing Likert-type scales and open-ended questions was distributed to students. Students’ responses were analysed using
descriptive statistics and content analysis.
Results. Eighty-seven percent of the students had met with their appraiser once, and only 36% felt that they had built a rapport with their appraiser. Students were more willing to discuss academic problems (87%) and less willing to discuss personal matters (51%) with their appraiser.
Conclusion. Despite failing to build a rapport with their appraisers, students indicated that the chance to discuss academic and personal problems, and
their appraisers’ advice on study and career matters, had been beneficial. To improve the rapport between students and appraisers a number of suggestions
that require few or no additional resources are made.

Author's affiliations

L Arnold, Postgraduate Centre, University of Johannesburg

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Appraisal; Mentorship; Faculty; Student doctors

Cite this article

African Journal of Health Professions Education 2016;8(2):148 - 151. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.2016.v8i2.526

Article History

Date submitted: 2014-09-18
Date published: 2016-09-09

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